Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 6, 2018

REVIEW EMINENT Token For BeepBeep Nation App-Top Hot ICO 2018

EMINENT Token For BeepBeep Nation App

The EMINENT token fuels the BeepBeep Nation mobile app for both iOS and Android. BeepBeep Nation is an all-in-one solution for users to solve their daily problems very quickly, by enabling them to help each other out when help is urgently required. It does this by facilitating the connection between a person needing help (“requestor”) and the person providing the help (“helper”). From getting the latest, freshest information from real people in specific locations, to getting rides or places to stay in from people in specific locations who don’t mind helping out their fellow users, to getting quick help in cases of distress including people with a medical emergency or those who are missing a family member or pet at that moment and needing help to find them quickly, and more - BeepBeep Nation makes the requesting and provision of any type of help the most efficient and effective they can be..


The BeepBeep Nation mobile app for both iOS and Android provides an all-in-one solution for our users to solve their daily problems very quickly, by enabling them to help each other out when help is urgently required.
It does this by facilitating the connection between a person needing help (“requestor”) and the person providing the help (“helper”). From getting the latest, freshest information from real people in specific locations, to getting rides or places to stay in from people in specific locations who don’t mind helping out their fellow users, to getting quick help in cases of distress including people with a medical emergency or those who are missing a family member or pet at that moment and needing help to find them quickly, and more - BeepBeep Nation makes the requesting and provision of any type of help the most efficient and effective they can be.
Requestors can opt to reward helpers with a Gratitude Tip after the requested help is rendered. However the requestor is not compelled to offer any tip at all, but if one is offered, the helper is likewise not compelled to accept it.
Both requestors and helpers deal with each other independently from BeepBeep Nation, and BeepBeep Nation does not partake in any arrangement between them. Neither requestors nor helpers are employees of, or independent contractors for, BeepBeep Nation. Both requestors and helpers act for themselves and decide among themselves and for the BeepBeep Nation community in cases of dispute.
In promoting and encouraging a helping economy, BeepBeep Nation not only makes the world a better place, but also brings its users closer as they will usually need to meet up in person to render the help requested, while also resolving their disputes themselves. This is a significant step up from popular social media apps where users usually interact behind a smartphone or computer screen the vast majority of the time.

BeepBeep Potential partnerships 

The BeepBeep Nation app focuses on the safety of its users as it encourages meetings between 

Many backups are already in place in the app and can be found at 

There are other aspects that we can potentially add to the application in this area. Beep beep
Nation can work with companies specializing in identity verification and localization 
verification using blockchain technology. 

Blockchain technology makes identity and location records immutable, giving 
BeepBeep Nation users greater certainty when verifying a request for help (on both applicants 
and help). 

Token Ecosystem 

1. Applicants can pay for beeps and set secure transactions on REM tokens
2 . Applicants can only purchase EMN tokens from exchanges, or earn rewards through reward mechanisms. from BeepBeep
3. Helpers can receive gratitude advice on EMN tokens, companies can use EMN tokens to purchase value-added BeepBeep services from the platform at a preferential rate 
4. Assistants can then sell EMN tokens on exchanges in exchange for other cryptocurrencies or fiat



Q3 2018
Beta launch of BeepBeep Nation app
Optimising Ul/UX based on users' feedback
Launch of BeepBeep Nation app in US Appstore/Google Playstore 
Q4 2018
Development of token and wallet
Integration of token and wallet with the BeepBeep Nation app
Development of fiat-token exchange engine to calculate payment in tokens for users to pay to use BeepBeep Nation app functions 
Q1 2019
Enabling token payment between users
Enabling token payment by users for using BeepBeep Nation app functions 
Q2 2019
Development of token staking system for using certain categories with BeepBeep Nation app
Development of additional categories/functions within BeepBeep Nation app 
Q3 2019
Development of token staking system for reporting disputes
Development of additional categories/functions within BeepBeep Nation app
Development of BeepBeep Nation Level 2 users Dashboard 
Q4 2019
Development of system for rewarding top performing users
Development of BeepBeep Nation Level 2 users Dashboard
Development of additional categories/functions within BeepBeep Nation app 
Q1 2020
Development of Level 2 users paying with token system
Launch of BeepBeep Nation Level 2 users Dashboard
Development of additional categories/functions within BeepBeep Nation app 

Starts in 9 days 18 hours
2018-06-27 - 2018-07-25
PreICO Price
1 EMN = 0.25 USD
1 EMN = 0.25 USD
ETH, Fiat
Minimum investment
0.5 ETH
Hard cap
31,250,000 USD
Restricted areas

More Information:
Website: https : // 
Whitepaper :
Twitter Page: beep_eminent /
Facebook page:

AUTHOR :Silicat1991;u=1886617
my ETHERWALLET :0x6Bc8E3Ea076107EC6dDB2075525BA98C8A0FC350

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